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ESL Activities for classrooms of ANY level: Revision of Vocabulary. The best tips & tricks from

The day is full of lessons and you're tired to look for the best games? Here is the solution from WinWin Cambridge Educational Center team! For your attention Top 5 ESL Activities for Revising Vocabulary that your students will definitely love! 1. Music box

Instruction: Write words you want to revise on pieces of paper. Put them into box / cup / basket and play the audio, e.g. Survivor - Eye of the Tiger. (It's fun!) Start passing the box around. When the music stops, person who has the box has to explain the word on card to class. After it repeat the procedure. Personal Impression: It's crazy, fun, exciting and effective! 2. Draw! Explain! Show!

Instruction: Take a die, box / cup / basket with words you'd like to revise and write on board the following scheme - 1,2,3 - draw; 4 - explain; 5,6 - show. The numbers refer to figures on the die. Divide the class into two teams (It's fun!) They take turns to roll the die, choose the card and either draw, explain or show the word. Personal Impression: It works with all the levels and is very lively and engaging activity to do! 3. Massage, please!

Instruction: Divide the class into pairs (A's and B's). Ask A's to sit back to B's. Distribute the cards with words you want to revise to B students. The task of B's is to write the word using a finger on A's back. The goal of A's is to guess the word and give the meaning of it. After the roles are changed. Personal Impression: All students like it because it's sometimes difficult but always fun to guess those words!

4. Bankrupt / Donation

Instruction: Print money, write on the back: Words for revising, Bankrupt, Donation. Put them into categories on board- 25$, 50$, 100$. Divide the class into teams and give them 1000$ from the start. The procedure starts with choosing categories of money. If students choose the Word - they explain it and get the money they chose and vice versa. If they choose Bankrupt - they lose the money and give them to Bank (Teacher :). If they choose Donation - they have to donate the amount of money they chose to other team. Personal Impression: It's great activity for revising in the form of game. Students start loving it from the very beginning! (Especially when you give them money:) 5. Jumbled Words

Instruction: Print the words you want to revise on separate cards but! with the letters in mixed order. Divide the class into pairs and set the task - to solve the jumbled words in 2 minutes. The winner gets the prize! (Think about it in advance - cute sticker, 'Love is' bubble gum, etc.) Personal Impression: There is always a lot of laughter on the lessons due to funny jumbled words which students start reading :)

Hope we helped somebody with our activities :) Don't be scared or shy to use such games on your lessons! Students will definitely be thankful for that! Aliona Matushevich WinWin Cambridge Educational Center Resources used: Music Box - Draw! Explain! Show! - WinWin Cambridge Educational Center teachers, self-made activity Massage, please! - (Back-to-Back spelling) Bankrupt-Donation - Jumbled Words - WinWin Cambridge Educational Center -

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